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Your Scandinavian Home

All our homes are decorated by MIO, who have been at the forefront of interior design in Sweden since April 1962. As you can see in the photos our homes are all about stylishness, light, and quality materials. The somewhat sparse Scandinavian style also means there is ample room for you to add your own touch. A framed photograph on a bureau, a painting on the wall, your favourite magazines on the table – et voilà! This home is you.

Swedish design, a reflection of Swedish life

Why does Swedish design look the way it does? Well, there are many reasons. Let's look at a few of them.

The weather, as you might know, is often cold and wet in Sweden, even in the summer. And the winter is long and dark. So it should come as no surprise that Swedes like light coulors inside. It's a way of using the natural light as much as possible.

While being friendly and informal, the avarage Swede is probably also a little more reserved than many other nationalities. And this, too, is reflected in design. Furniture is often designed with rather strict lines, combining a certain discretion with practicality. But you'll notice that the furniture, like Swedes themselves, are both welcoming and comfortable once you get to know them.

Then there is that peculiar Swedish bond with nature. Wood is by far the most popular material, even in these modern times. High quality materials and workmanship means longer service life and a lesser impact on the environment.


Comfort and quality guaranteed

Electronics and electricity

All homes are equipped with WiFi, Chromecast and Apple-TV. Electricity (as well as water and heating) is included in the rent – and very dependable.

A kitchen for cooks

A fresh new fridge, a fresh new freezer. Built in oven and built in hob. Then there's the new dishwasher, microwave and a full assrtment of pots, pans and knives.

Details to die for

Parquet in all rooms, except for the tiled entrance and bathroom. Fresh coat of paint on all walls and ceilings. A safety door, protecting you from both break ins and fire. Heated bathroom floor.

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